Sunday, June 10, 2007

Welcome to [Sechzehn] hohoho..

Yosh.. HOLA (Hall Online Application) results were out on Friday, and finally I got the room that I wanted! hohoho.. Our plan succeeded! (please refer to this entry :P) Hahaha.. Raymond got a single room on level 3, Jordan got his current single room, and I got Raymond's current room, with Ong as my roomie (again... XD). hohoho :D Well, I realized that some failed to get their choice of halls (even some ppl who tried to retain their current room were also dumped out... =.=").. haizz.. I also heard that 6 out of 16 JCRC presidents din get their choice of rooms... :s I guess HAS (Hall Allocation Scheme) is still incomplete, and perhaps hasn't been tested and gone thru' pilot run thoroughly.. =.=" (It was said that ppl who retained their current room would have priority among others who applied that room) What a weird system.. However, most final year students (in AY 2007-2008, which is the coming AY) got their choice of rooms.. I think final year students have some kind of priority or sumthin' phew... I dunno.. It's their job (SAO ppl) to review the current HAS after the allocation results... to develop a better system next year.. (thou actually im 'out' already next year :P LOLz)

8 June 2007


I am pleased to offer you admission into the Hall of Residence 16 for the academic year 2007/08 beginning 6 August 2007. The room is 16A-05-14. Hall and room allocations are processed by the computerised HAS.

hohoho... Thanks Lord for everything You have given to me.. :)


Anonymous said...

masio aku ngga piro ngerti maksudmu.. tapie tetep semangat yah mon.. GBU ^_^ ciayo for everything.. semoga semuanya oke oke ae.. GBU mon :)

Anonymous said...

mon.. masio aku ga piro ngerti ttg ceritamu itu.. tapi, pokoke wish u all de bzt ya... n somga sukses ja.. ciayou :) GBU