To let you know that maybe next semester will be the worst semester, everr!! since I will have 2 core subjects exams on one day !!!!!!! Huhuhuhu...I'm not actually thinking about that right now because I believe that there will be a way to solve it, no matter what..Juz wish me luck I can stand it :P Exams result ? Not that bad I think, but must be improved a lot next semester.
Here, not much to do..On the first week spend my time mostly with families, and some friends that also coming back from Oz. Where are the other friends ? hahaha..same old condition when I came back here, they're still doing their exams ^^;;;; Till the 3rd week of December, at least :P
At last, I've bought new specs !! Heehehehe..this new specs maybe looks better and somewhat 'cooler' than before :P :P, but whether it's fit for me or not, hehehe not for me alone to judge it, but you can judge it later :P ^^ One thing that makes me a lil' bit irritated is that the internet connection now turns out so baddd...very2's not a usual dial up connection like before and using ADSL already..Worse than when I last time coming home on June, dunno why... I'm pretending that with this kind of internet connection there will be a great possibility to fail the registration of my subject for the upcoming semester..But luckily I've trusted my senior to do this registration before I came back to Indo ^^ Thanks to Alung !! :D
Happy Birthday to Wewoen !! Hope all your dreams come true..And be more mature, smart, gorgeous, etc...Wish you all the bezzzz d !! :D